CranioSacral Therapy

Do you have the patience to wait until the mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain in stillness until the right action arises of its own accord? The Master does not seek resolution. Not seaking, not expecting, he is present and can welcome all things… Wait….
– Rumi
What is CranioSacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a hands on therapy where the touch is gentle, non-invasive, subtle and carried out through your clothes. It is suitable for all ages, from newborns to the more mature among us.
Within CST there are several wonderful techniques, they are always very gentle, respectful, subtle and bring very noticeable results. The realignment of fascia, soft tissue, bones and even the energetic matrix of the body may improve many aspects of our bodies and overall health.
We do not aim to diagnose or fix anything from what our head thinks needs to happen. We simply listen with our hands, to the person’s body and invite them to show us what needs to happen. We believe the body has an inherent self-healing mechanism and therefore our aim is to facilitate this process.
What to Expect
Treatments last up to an hour and you remain fully clothed throughout the session. You may be asked to remove your belt, shoes and glasses but nothing else!
We start by assessing your needs for the session, whether they may be emotional or physical and discuss any changes that have occurred from previous appointments.
I will place my hands lightly on your body at various point to assess the craniosacral rhythm which reflects throughout the body. Anomalies or changes within the rhythm help us to assess where there may be restrictions and issues.
Treatment may not be over the area that you feel your symptoms – I will explain what is happening during your treatment.
Adjustments can continue to unfold within the body for 24-48 hours after a treatment.
Discover More about CranioSacral Therapy
Much of the approach used was developed by Dr John Upledger, an American Osteopath.
He noticed a subtle rhythmic movement in the spinal cord whilst assisting a neuro-surgeon perform spinal surgery. The gentle tension from the movement of this fluid affects the membranes (the meninges) that line the skull and spinal column.
My training
- Advanced 1
- Paediatrics 1
I have undertaken my training with Upledger UK. You can visit there website to learn more here: Upledger UK
other therapies offered

Gentle touch but very powerful.
– James