Not feeling quite right?

Maybe it's Time that you tried a different approach to your health

“Don’t be satisfied with stories of how things have gone with others.
Unfold your own myth.”

– Rumi

Welcome to Feelwell Today

Really happy that you found me!

I’m Leanne and I am passionate about your wellbeing. I work with both orthodox and complementary medicine.

People often come to see me when they have exhausted all the usual treatment routes. They know that something isn’t right but the response coming back to them is, “there’s nothing wrong with you.”

It’s time to look beyond the normal routes. It’s time to dig deeper into your medical and social history, with the aim of finding the root cause.

Online Treatments available now for clients in the UK and around the world.

Clinic Appointments Available in Stockton, near Southam, Warwickshire.


NAET Allergy Testing

Allergies and intolerances are affecting more and more people as our environment and food chain change.

Let me help you discover what may be causing you and your body issues.

Food intolerance testing

Intolerances are affecting more and more people as our environment and food chain change.

Let me help you discover what may be causing you and your body issues.

CranioSacral Therapy

Through the art of listening with a gentle touch your body may reveal unexpected sources to your pain and discomfort; physically and/or mentally.

A deeply relaxing and effective treatment.

Vitamin B12 Shots

Vitamin B12 Shots are provided following a consultation assessment or on prescription from your GP. 

Shots should be administered by a trained professionals, such as myself.

I look forward to being able to meet Leanne face to face when we are out of lockdown. Virtual calls worked extremely well for us when being in such a scary time and not being well. Thank you Leanne and stay safe x
– Clare Berry

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